With winter on its way out, you may be ready for some spring cleaning. Here’s a quick checklist that can help you freshen up your home and protect it against springtime elements.
Homeowners Insurance
Travelers Traverse: Cover What You Love
Traverse is a new program offered by Travelers to cover the stuff you love and want to protect for a low monthly price. You pick what you want to cover – cell phones, electronics, cameras, sporting equipment, musical instruments, jewelry, handbags, bicycles, and more – and select any add-ons, such as liability coverage, you need. […]
Fire and Water: Winter Safety Tips
Nearly 156,000 fires occur in the United States during winter, and, according to Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, nearly two-thirds are caused by fireplaces and chimneys not being properly maintained. On the other side of the winter hazard coin, we have water. When outside temperatures fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water can freeze in pipes, […]
Taking a Digital Home Inventory
What if you lost everything you own? Would you be able to remember what you had? Unless you have a photographic memory, the answer is “no.” Instead of waiting until you have a loss and trying to remember what you have, we recommend that you conduct a home inventory. This way, in the event of […]